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    Best-on-the-market additive for solid sheets

    ABS & High Impact Polystyrene offer superior hardness, gloss, toughness and electrical insulation properties, making them ideal for use in the manufacture of automotives, electrical devices, white goods, home appliances, and decorative or functional profiles and panels. The impact and mechanical properties of the solid sheets enables shaping by thermoforming and injection molding.


    Halogenated FR masterbatch for ABS

    Our high-performance, cost-effective flame retardant masterbatch is suitable for both extrusion and injection molding ABS, and meets the stringent standards of V0, 1.6mm, while achieving the specific mechanical properties demanded by ABS products.


    Our Solutions


    Flame Retardants

    Considering new regulations around the world, our high concentration FR masterbatches including halogen-based and halogen-free solutions, provide self-extinguishing properties and meet market needs.


    • Recyclable

    • Halogen free option

    • Suppressed smoke formation

    • Good process ability

    • Reduced incidence of fire

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