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    Blue Masterbatch: Interesting and Important Facts

    Tosaf manufactures a diverse portfolio of color masterbatches for its clients around the world. This includes blue masterbatch, which comes in a variety of tailor-made shades, and has specific valuable characteristics.

    Understanding the concept of color

    In order to delve into the subject of blue masterbatch and color masterbatches in general, we should first define the concept of color. Color is a sensory property that can be seen when electromagnetic waves – also known as light – are perceived by our eyes. Every color has a unique wavelength, which, when viewed by our eyes, translates into a different tone.

    The characteristics of the color blue

    Humans can only perceive colors that are within the visible spectrum (approx. 400 to 700 nanometers). After violet, blue has the shortest color wavelength. Alongside violet, cyan and green, blue is considered a “cold” color.

    In addition, blue is one of three primary colors, together with red and yellow. According to the primary color model, which is used extensively in the design world, primary colors stand on their own, and can be mixed with one another to create secondary colors such as green, brown, orange and violet.

    Making blue masterbatch

    Tosaf is an expert color masterbatch manufacturer. We produce color masterbatches that are tailored to our clients’ exact specifications. To provide plastic with specific color characteristics, color masterbatches are added during the raw polymer stage. These color masterbatches are delivered to clients in the form of color pellets, which include a proprietary blend of pigments and dyes. The pellets can also include specific additives with certain valuable properties. Some of the pigments and dyes we use to create blue masterbatch contain additional valuable properties, such as light and weather resistance properties.

    When a client requests a blue masterbatch, we either select an existing masterbatch from our portfolio, or set out to develop a new masterbatch that fits specific needs. We then produce a sample for our client to test. Once the client has been satisfied with the test results, we deliver the required masterbatch quota with maximum quickness and efficiency.

    What are the benefits of blue masterbatch?

    Blue masterbatch has several key advantages. The agriculture industry, for example, finds blue masterbatch to be very valuable. Many greenhouses and farms use plastic sheets and shade nets to protect their crops; adding blue masterbatch to create a blue hue has proven very effective in repelling insects.

    What should be taken into consideration when preparing blue masterbatch?

    At Tosaf, we take many important things into consideration prior to developing a specific blue masterbatch – or any other color masterbatch. We must have precise information regarding the polymers and materials that will incorporate the masterbatch, since different polymers may produce different shades. We also ask our clients to provide us with data regarding the product design and its applications. This is extremely important, because product characteristics – such as width, for example – may affect the final color.

    We take into consideration all possible chemical reactions, and adhere to all the relevant regulations. Finally, we strive to be cost-effective – and therefore attempt to offer our clients the best value-for-money product price, without compromising on quality.

    What makes Tosaf a premier masterbatch manufacturer?

    Tosaf delivers high-quality products, but that is only part of why we are considered a top-level color masterbatch supplier. Alongside our supreme products, we are known to be superior service providers. We prioritize the relationships cultivated with our clients, regardless of the quantities of their orders. We make sure to truly understand their needs, in order to provide them with an optimal response that enhances their business.

    Tosaf service starts with attentiveness. We listen to our clients, and try to help them become better at what they do. Our goal is to improve their products. This service approach is implemented by our factories all over the world, who communicate regularly with hundreds of customers from countless industries worldwide. As masterbatch manufacturers and color experts, our commitment to great service often requires us to think outside the box and go the extra mile for the people we serve. Their satisfaction makes every effort worthwhile.

    Want to learn more about our blue masterbatch offering? Need more information on our color masterbatch portfolio? Want to talk with one of our color experts? We’ll be more than happy to help. Please contact us, and we’ll be delighted to engage a fruitful conversation. Let’s talk!

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