Tosaf Color Service

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    Functionality and color. Performance and luxury.

    The interior of a car, in terms of comfort, added luxury and features, plays a vital role in the consumer’s decision to make a purchase. Trims, steering components, the instrument and door panel, headliner, safety systems and pedals, load floor, seating and composites, all contribute to creating the right esthetic. They can even affect performance, safety, cost and longevity of the vehicle.

    When it comes to both functionality and color of the polymers used in this application, we are the partner of choice of many OEM, tier one, two and three suppliers.

    Low VOC Emissions

    Emissions of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds from car interiors can have an adverse effect on vehicle interior air quality (VIAQ), raising concerns for passenger health and safety. We select our additives, colors and base polymers carefully to ensure that they are suitable for use in car trim components and meet the limit levels specified by automobile associations.

    Color Accuracy

    Color accuracy is critical to avoid mismatching of colors in interior car components. With the extensive expertise of our colorists and state-of-the-art spectrophotometers, we can guarantee to meet the most stringent tolerance demands in the industry.

    Tactile properties

    Consumers want to drive a vehicle that feels as good as it looks. Our soft-touch solutions give polymer surfaces a warmer, more pleasant feel.

    Superior mechanical properties

    To give you the widest choice of materials suitable for your application, our compounds and masterbatches can be formulated to provide the optimal balance of mechanical properties, including as tensile strength, flexural strength, impact, hardness, creep resistance, heat deflection temperature, hysteresis and thermal mechanical performance.

    Our Solutions


    Flame Retardants

    Considering new regulations around the world, our high concentration FR masterbatches including halogen-based and halogen-free solutions, provide self-extinguishing properties and meet market needs.


    • Recyclable

    • Halogen free option

    • Suppressed smoke formation

    • Good process ability

    • Reduced incidence of fire


    UV Light Stabilizer Masterbatch

    Long-term exposure to UV radiation compromises the integrity of plastic, making it brittle and prone to cracking or breaking. The masterbatches in Tosaf’s UV light stabilizer range eliminate or vastly reduce the effects of UV radiation and photo-oxidation, offering long-term polymer protection.


    • Prevents premature polymer degrading and failure

    • Minimizes deterioration of mechanical properties

    • Extends high-quality surface appearance


    Light Fastness

    Specifically developed to deliver a high level of color permanence, Tosaf’s light fastness additive prevents colors from fading over time, ensuring a high rating on the Blue Wool Scale (BWS).


    • Prevents fading over time

    • Prevents fading over time

    • High Blue Wool Scale (BWS) rating


    Scratch and Mar Resistance

    Scratch and mar resistance of automotive plastics is becoming increasingly important due to the trend to eliminate paint in favor of molded-in color. Our anti-scratch masterbatch reduces the whiteness that makes scratches and scuffs visible, particularly in black and high vibrancy shades.


    Thermal Management

    Control thermal loading in black and other-colored surfaces. Tosaf’s range of polymer masterbatches maintain dimensional stability, weather resistance, impact resistance and are anti-electrostatic, while adhering to aesthetic criteria and without making concessions to processability.


    • Maintains dimensional stability

    • Weather and impact resistant

    • Anti-electrostatic


    Laser Marking

    Laser marking offers shorter marking cycles and lower-energy marking than other methods, and for some polymers it is the only feasible marking option. Whereas standard laser marking products typically offer either dark (light grey to black) marking on a light (or translucent) background, or light (light grey to white) or colorful marking on a dark (black) background, Tosaf offers a complete series of laser marking masterbatches, for use with a wide range of polymers and applications.


    • Fast, Accurate and Precise

    • High Contrast and High Resolution

    • Applicable to Most Polymers

    • Permanent and irremovable


    Anti-Static for Automotive

    Conventional materials used in car interiors tend to attract dust. Our range of e-tech permanent anti-static compounds repels dust to maintain a factory-fresh appearance in automotive interiors over years of use.


    • Prevents plastic parts from attracting dust


    Color Masterbatch

    Finding an exact color match requires wide-ranging, working knowledge of pigments, polymers and additives. Working with an extensive global network of renowned research partners, Tosaf’s experts have the technical competence to create complex colors for use in virtually any polymer, in a range of applications, across different industries.


    • Backed by vast technical knowhow

    • Complex colors for use in virtually all polymers

    • Orders as small as 1 kg for any of our 500 standard colors

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