Tosaf Color Service

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    Optimal Optical Properties, Minimum Fuss

    There is a growing global trend to integrate transparent plastic sheets in place of glass in building applications such as malls, swimming pools, train stations and DYI. The most commonly used option is polycarbonate (PC) sheets, which are produced in solid, multiwall or corrugated form.

    Each form of the PC sheets has its own production challenges. Because polycarbonate is a transparent polymer, its optical properties are of utmost importance, along with optical manipulations where transparent colors, light diffuser and near-IR heat shielders are used. At Tosaf, we offer a comprehensive range of solutions for PC sheet producers.

    UV Protection

    PC is very sensitive to UV radiation, exposure to the solar radiation, without proper protection tend rapidly to develop high level of yellowness and later on crakes & fractures. UV protection is achieved through the co-extrusion of UV compounds, but the high level of UV absorber additive in the UV cap layer tends to migrate during the production process, affecting extrusion efficiency. As sheet producers work towards improving the extrusion and co-extrusion process, we have taken on the challenge of developing a range of optimized UV protection additives for use in the production of solid and multiwall sheets.

    Light Diffusion Protection

    One of the problems of a clear cover is that it lets in direct visible light, causing an uncomfortable glare. By introducing a light diffusion (LD) system into the PC sheet bulk, the glare is eliminated. We offer several such solutions in both MB and compound form.

    Near IR (NIR) Absorber

    Clear PC lets in NIR energy which, especially in hot climates, can cause a ‘greenhouse’ effect in buildings where these sheets are used. We have developed a range of masterbatches based on special pigments that selectively block the NIR energy, significantly reducing the amount of energy transmitted into the building with minimal effect on visible light.


    Our Solutions


    Light Diffuser

    Eliminate glare with a unique light diffuser masterbatch or compound from Tosaf’s extensive database. We offer products for use with either polycarbonate or acrylic, to give the precise balance of light diffusion, light transmission, thermal stability and processability qualities that suits your needs.


    • High diffusion balance

    • High thermal stability

    • High light transmission


    Color Masterbatch

    Finding an exact color match requires wide-ranging, working knowledge of pigments, polymers and additives. Working with an extensive global network of renowned research partners, Tosaf’s experts have the technical competence to create complex colors for use in virtually any polymer, in a range of applications, across different industries.


    • Backed by vast technical knowhow

    • Complex colors for use in virtually all polymers

    • Orders as small as 1 kg for any of our 500 standard colors


    UV Cap Layer

    In PC sheets, protection from solar radiation is achieved by a thin co-extrudate cap layer. We offer several grades of UV cap layer suitable for either solid or multi-wall sheets, containing optical brightener to make the layer visible in the lab and
    gently tinted with a bluish dye to counter the yellow color of the UV absorber.


    • Minimize plate-out

    • Counters the yellow color of the UV absorber

    • Makes the layer visible in the lab


    FR for PC Sheets

    In PC sheets, the main challenge in adding additives is to maintain the original transparency properties of the polycarbonate. We have developed several flame-retardant solutions that have minimal effect on the sheets’ transparency, causing no reduction in light transmission and an increase of only 1-2% in the original value of the haze. For opaque sheets, we offer a very effective halogen-free solution.


    • Minimal effect on the sheets’ transparency

    • An increase of only 1-2% in the original value of the haze

    • Halogen-free solution


    Near IR Blocker

    One of the main drawbacks of using a transparent cover or roofing in construction is that it lets in near-infrared (NIR) energy, creating a ‘greenhouse’ effect that causes the covered area to become very hot. Our NIR masterbatch absorbs most of the NIR energy, with minimum effect on transparency to visible light.


    • Reduces heat

    • High absorbancy of NIR energy

    • Minimum effect on transparency


    Matte and Frost Effect

    Whether to reduce glare or for purely aesthetic reasons, customers may request a matte or frost effect on their PC sheets. We offer several solutions for achieving this special effect in PC masterbatches, PMMA and PS profiles.


    • Suitable for use with PC masterbatches, PMMA and PS profiles

    • Gentle or rough effect

    • Combines with the UV cap layer for application via co-extrusion


    Anti-Block for PC Corrugated Sheets

    Due to static electrical forces and the absence of masking film, it can be a challenge to separate single PC corrugated sheets from the pallet. Tosaf’s simple, cost-effective anti-block additive resolves the issue, without affecting the production process or the optical properties of the sheets themselves.


    • Cost effective

    • Does not affect process

    • Does not affect optical properties


    Glass Fiber MB

    Unlike other polymers that are reinforced with glass fiber, polycarbonate sheets have excellent mechanical properties. Where glass fiber is used, it is for aesthetic purposes, giving the sheet a ‘broken’ or ‘hammer’ effect. Our glass fiber masterbatch contains 20% glass fibers, requiring only 2%-3% addition rate to achieve the desired effect.


    • Contains 20% glass fibers

    • Requires only 2%-3% addition rate

    • Gives the sheet a ‘broken’ or ‘hammer’ effect

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