Tosaf Color Service

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    Building & Construction

    Pipes & Fittings

    Standard or tailor-made solutions, at consistently high quality

    We have developed products that are suitable for use with a range of materials, including HDPE, PA-12, PB, PP and ABS, and can also formulate custom-made masterbatches and compounds on demand.

    In potable water and gas applications, our additives protect and stabilize pipes for long-term performance and integrity, protecting against risks such as environmental stress cracking (ESCR), slow crack growth, and over pressurizing, to ensure that they last throughout, and beyond, the international 50-year guarantee requirement for Minimum Required Strength (MRS). Because we understand the importance of production rates and costs, our solutions make for consistent processing of materials, with the convenience of choice and availability with technical support.

    Color Accuracy

    Color accuracy to the RAL® standards is important for identification purpose. Combining the extensive expertise of our colorists with state-of-the-art spectrophotometers, we guarantee the most stringent tolerance demands operating within the industry.

    Superior mechanical properties

    Our compounds and masterbatches can be formulated to provide the optimal balance of mechanical properties, such as environmental stress cracking, resistance to rapid crack propagation and tensile and dynamic mechanical performance, regardless of the polymer being used, for the widest choice of materials suitable for your application.

    Chemical resistance

    Leveraging our extensive knowledge of polymers and additives, we carefully select suitable antioxidant additives and materials to provide the chemical resistance required to enhance the long-term performance of pipe materials for use with chemicals or in chemical environments.


    Our Solutions


    Flame Retardants

    Considering new regulations around the world, our high concentration FR masterbatches including halogen-based and halogen-free solutions, provide self-extinguishing properties and meet market needs.


    • Recyclable

    • Halogen free option

    • Suppressed smoke formation

    • Good process ability

    • Reduced incidence of fire


    White Masterbatch


    • Comprehensive Product Range

    • Thermal Stability

    • Excellent Dispersion

    • Highly Concentrated White MB


    Color Masterbatch

    Finding an exact color match requires wide-ranging, working knowledge of pigments, polymers and additives. Working with an extensive global network of renowned research partners, Tosaf’s experts have the technical competence to create complex colors for use in virtually any polymer, in a range of applications, across different industries.


    • Backed by vast technical knowhow

    • Complex colors for use in virtually all polymers

    • Orders as small as 1 kg for any of our 500 standard colors


    Light Fastness

    Specifically developed to deliver a high level of color permanence, Tosaf’s light fastness additive prevents colors from fading over time, ensuring a high rating on the Blue Wool Scale (BWS).


    • Prevents fading over time

    • Prevents fading over time

    • High Blue Wool Scale (BWS) rating


    Black Masterbatch

    Our black masterbatch is formulated to deliver maximum long-term UV protection, and color with mechanical stability. Incorporating functional additives, the masterbatch can improve processing, provide resistance to rapid crack propagation, enhance short-term rupture strength and reduce environmental stress cracking, while maximizing the material’s long-term performance.


    • Customized, cost-effective solution

    • Offers UV protection and stability

    • Improves processability and consistency

    • Suitable for a range of specifications

    • Long-term performance


    Weather Fastness

    Protect plastics from year-round weather conditions. Tosaf’s high-performance weather fastness masterbatch protects colorants from degradation and fading over time, offering the highest grayscale performance.


    • Highest grayscale performance, for minimal fading over time.

    • Impacts dimensional stability

    • Transparent



    Our terracotta masterbatch has been formulated to deliver long-term color and mechanical stability.


    • Long-term color and mechanical stability.

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