Tosaf Color Service

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    A full range of additives for your wire & cable needs

    Wires and cables used with different voltages and for different purposes, raise different concerns. Those used in architecture, marine and transportation applications, for example, must be fire retardant, so as to resist fire spread; those that are used outside and exposed to UV radiation must have good low-temperature flexibility and allow for the necessary strippability to make connections.

    As well as additives that provide these properties and more, we have developed a specialized range of polymer masterbatches for use in low voltage cables (PVC, XLPE), medium voltage power cables (HDPE, XLPE, EVA) and telecommunications and instrumental cables (EVA, EBA, LDPE and XLPE).

    Dielectric Strength

    In addition to being easy to process, polymeric compounds used for insulation need high dialectic strength, coupled with low dielectric loss. It is also becoming increasingly important that the compound be recyclable.

    Low VOC Emissions

    As electrical appliances heat up during operation, they can release volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOC) and hazardous chemical substances. These can have an adverse effect on internal air quality, which has for many years been recognized as a major cause of health problems. We are careful to select additives, colorants and base polymers with low VOC content that are suitable for use in electrical appliances.

    Superior Mechanical Properties

    Whatever polymer you are using, we can formulate our compounds and masterbatches to give you the optimal balance of mechanical properties, such as tensility, flexure, impact, hardness, creep resistance, heat deflection temperature, hysteresis and thermal mechanics. what about Tosaf?

    Low Temperature Flexibility

    At very cold temperatures, typical wire and cable materials will lose flexibility or become brittle, causing them to crack or split when bent or flexed. For low-temperature applications, you need cable components that will retain flexibility and plasticity at low temperatures. Our range of masterbatches includes products that provide these qualities.

    Our Solutions


    Flame Retardants

    Considering new regulations around the world, our high concentration FR masterbatches including halogen-based and halogen-free solutions, provide self-extinguishing properties and meet market needs.


    • Recyclable

    • Halogen free option

    • Suppressed smoke formation

    • Good process ability

    • Reduced incidence of fire



    Wire and cable strippability can become a major concern, especially in high-volume production. Giving due consideration to crush resistance, cut-through resistance and insulation hardness, we have developed an extensive range of products that provide a total balance of properties to ensure the optimal system for wire and cable compounds.


    • Crush resistance

    • Cut-through resistance

    • Insulation hardness


    Insulators (Resistance to Tracking)

    The combined effects of insulation damage and fluid contamination in wire and cable can give rise to wet or dry arc tracking. Our masterbatches can delay or protect against deterioration, to avoid tracking paths being formed in the insulation layers.


    • Delays and protects against deterioration

    • Avoids tracking paths in the insulation layers


    Light Fastness

    Specifically developed to deliver a high level of color permanence, Tosaf’s light fastness additive prevents colors from fading over time, ensuring a high rating on the Blue Wool Scale (BWS).


    • Prevents fading over time

    • Prevents fading over time

    • High Blue Wool Scale (BWS) rating


    UV Light Stabilizer Masterbatch

    Long-term exposure to UV radiation compromises the integrity of plastic, making it brittle and prone to cracking or breaking. The masterbatches in Tosaf’s UV light stabilizer range eliminate or vastly reduce the effects of UV radiation and photo-oxidation, offering long-term polymer protection.


    • Prevents premature polymer degrading and failure

    • Minimizes deterioration of mechanical properties

    • Extends high-quality surface appearance

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