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    Meet our extensive product portfolio of FR for XPS applications

    Meet our FR1246PS for XPS applications, delivers an extensive product portfolio of flame retardant masterbatches. Recognizing that different XPS producers require different thermal stability, we develop tailor-made solutions that meet stringent thermal stability requirements, as well as low and medium thermal stability packages. In addition, our innovative formulation enables a low loading of the FR, making it a cost-effective solution.


    • Very efficient flame retardant – only 4-6% to meet different FR needs.
    • Thermal stability
    • No effect on processability
    • Low impact on properties
    • Cost effective

    FR1246PS has been approved for the following FR standards:

    • 8-2.5% for DIN 4102 B2
    • 8-2.5% for EN13501-1 E class
    • 5-5.5% for DIN 4102 B1 standard

    We offer both high-end solutions that meet the most stringent regulations, such as HBCD-free polymeric and non-polymeric FR, and more cost-effective solutions with HBCD. Using premium-quality active ingredients and innovative formulations, we help our customers to achieve high-level product performance, while keeping in mind resource efficiency and environmental protection.

    Applications: inverted roof, floors and ceilings, external walls

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