Your Packaging Needs - All Wrapped Up
From food to medical supplies, cosmetics to numerous industrial applications, packaging is used to protect goods from damage in transit, extend shelf life, improve food quality and safety, and even enhance branding and customer engagement. Whatever your packaging needs, we have the solution to meet them.
Attractive design catches the eye, influencing buying behavior and increasing sales. Our range of color and color-effect additives, like pearlescent and metallic, can create the brand differentiation that makes a product stand from the competition.
The right additives can give virgin polymers critical properties required in packaging, as well as improving process conditions and productivity without compromising quality. With more than 30 years’ experiences and superior global R&D capabilities, we’ll deliver the standard or tailor-made solution that meets your specific needs.
We deliver packaging-related products that comply with relevant regulations and standards, including those regarding packaging waste such as 94/62/EC, global food contact standards, local state legislation regarding plastics materials and articles in contact with food, and US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) legislation.
Tosaf offers a variety of innovative products and solutions that enable plastics to be recycled,enable manufacturers to use more recycled raw materials and enable plastic products to biodegrade.