Tosaf Color Service

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    Caps & Closures

    No close calls with caps and closures

    Caps and closures have become complex, engineered products in and of themselves. They need to be openable, resealable and securely contain the contents of the bottle, tub or tube. Easy to process and exceptionally recyclable, thermoplastic materials are ideal for use in this application.

    At Tosaf, we have developed several unique and innovative solutions that ensure that the cap or closure is easy to remove and replace, while providing an efficient seal that prevents spillage or leakage and avoiding any organoleptic influence on the packed product.

    Our color formulations can be tailored to match the specific brand coloring that you require, regardless of the polymer matrix being used, while adhering to relevant regulatory specifications.

    In short, we will develop the specific solution that meets your technical requirements.


    The properties of a plastic cap or closure must give it the desired coefficient of friction, without affecting the taste, appearance, smell or texture of the container’s content. Our innovative slip additive solutions achieve the perfect balance.


    Caps and closures is one of the largest segments in the packaging market, used for product families such as beverages, cosmetics, and chemicals. At Tosaf, we have the knowledge and experience required to choose the right colors that also prevent unexpected shrinkage and warpage, and provide outstanding stress crack resistance.

    Our Solutions


    Slip Additives for film production

    Prevent layers of film sticking together or sliding over each other during production, with Tosaf’s slip additive. Designed according to your applications and production lines, our additives are perfectly balanced to ensure suitable thermal stability for your film process conditions, while avoiding common issues such as blooming, reduced transparency, diminished printing and slipping properties, and increased risk of low bonding strength on laminated structures.


    • Reduced surface friction

    • Stable and efficient film manufacturing process

    • Stable and efficient film packaging

    • Good universal computability without affecting viscosity


    Slip Anti-Block

    The combination of slip and anti-block additives in this masterbatch enables you to avoid significant adsorption of the migrating slip additives by the anti-block agents. With several grades suitable for different types of packaging process, you get an innovative, agile additive that meets several needs at once.


    • Prevents film blocking during and after processing

    • Reduces surface friction

    • Optimizes production processes and performance


    Processing Aid

    Improve the appearance of your packaging film with Tosaf’s extensive range of high-quality Polymer Process Aid (PPA) masterbatches. Specifically designed to enhance the processability of plastics, our masterbatches improve film quality while reducing energy consumption during production.


    • Reduce energy consumption during production

    • Specifically designed to enhance the processability of plastics

    • Improve productivity and quality, and reduce costs


    Laser Marking

    Laser marking offers shorter marking cycles and lower-energy marking than other methods, and for some polymers it is the only feasible marking option. Whereas standard laser marking products typically offer either dark (light grey to black) marking on a light (or translucent) background, or light (light grey to white) or colorful marking on a dark (black) background, Tosaf offers a complete series of laser marking masterbatches, for use with a wide range of polymers and applications.


    • Fast, Accurate and Precise

    • High Contrast and High Resolution

    • Applicable to Most Polymers

    • Permanent and irremovable


    Color Masterbatch

    Finding an exact color match requires wide-ranging, working knowledge of pigments, polymers and additives. Working with an extensive global network of renowned research partners, Tosaf’s experts have the technical competence to create complex colors for use in virtually any polymer, in a range of applications, across different industries.


    • Backed by vast technical knowhow

    • Complex colors for use in virtually all polymers

    • Orders as small as 1 kg for any of our 500 standard colors

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