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    Processing Aid (PPA) Masterbatch

    Trust The Process Aid

    Enhance the processability of plastics such as PE film, pipes, tubes and cables; improve productivity and quality; reduce production costs; increases melt stability and hydrolytic stability of PET and other polycondensates (PLA, PC, TPU, …); and smooth the production process itself. These are just some of benefits of Tosaf’s extensive range of polymer processing aid (PPA) masterbatches. Specifically designed to meet different needs and conditions, they are suitable for use in a variety of relative humidity levels, from dry to high moisture.

    Our experience and know-how, at your disposal

    Our high-quality, innovative processing aid additives have been developed over the course of 30 years’ working side by side with our customers. Sharing with you our vast experience and knowhow, we will advise on which specific polymer processing aid additives to use, how to use them and in what quantities, to optimize both your production process and end-user application.


    • Extensive range of Polymer Process Aid (PPA) masterbatches
    • Enhanced productivity
    • Improved quality
    • Reduced costs
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